GECIMP - Study and Research Group on Culture, Information, Memory and Heritage
Gecimp started its activities on June 17, 2009, Wednesday, at 5 pm, in a partnership between teachers Bernardina Freire de Oliveira, recently arrived from the Doctorate and Maria da Vitória Barbosa Lima who felt the need to bring together those interested in studying and research, at first, the archival heritage, making the Center for Documentation and Regional Historical Information (NDIHR) of the Federal University of Paraíba, the meeting place, also associating itself in a partnership with the Afonso Pereira da Silva Archive.

made with many hands

Information, Memory, Culture and Heritage
Objective of the Study and Research Line: Involves theoretical, conceptual, reflective and methodological issues aimed at protecting memories, cultural heritage (archival with emphasis on private personal and family archives, museums and librarianship) and identity, associated or not with technologies support.

Information, Memory and Gastronomic Culture
Objective of the Study and Research Line: It involves theoretical, conceptual, reflective and methodological issues aimed at protecting gastronomic memories of the immaterial and identity heritage of Brazilian culture and its influences.